Sunday, April 5, 2015

Sree Ramaaraadhana 17

On my death bed, Rama, let you be my only kin
On my death bed, Rama, let my breath say Rama Rama
On my death bed, Rama, let my closed eyes show Your dhama
On my death bed, Rama, let me be lucky to hear Your nama
On my death, Rama, let my body be weightless without You
On my death, Rama, let my mind be thoughtless without You
On my death, Rama, let all the tears anoint Your feet
On my death, Rama, let all the smiles show You I am yours
Rama, Bless will all the energy to perform sadhana so that my death will be a sweet moment like any other moment of chanting Your Nama.
                                                                                                                                      -Aham Brahmasmi

Sree Ramaaraadhana 16

My Sadhana for silence, Rama, is Ramaraadhana


The silence that smiles at Your Maya...

The silence that claps at my Yoga

The silence that reveals You in the Nature

The silence that becomes my form of the formless You

The silence where sex is unification of souls    

The silence where sex is a manifestation of love

The silence that is just me today

The silence that will be One Your world tomorrow

The silence that chants You forever my Lord..chants You forever my Lord..


Jai Sree Ram..Jai Sree Ram.


-Aham Brahmasmi