is a method of making man realize what he deserves being a human being. It
helps man find out the answer to a most intriguing question that is the root of
a separate branch of study called ‘Spirituality’. The question is “What am I”.
You got a chance to hear the question or at least dreamt about it. Then, you
are lucky to an extent that you got a chance to understand the purpose of life.
Shall we be that lucky if we get an opportunity to know our self? Of course
yes. It is because unless we know the real purpose of our birth on this Earth
and the mission to be accomplished, our journey will be meaningless. After all,
every journey has its own destination. The fact is that the destination of
one’s life is within oneself and it is one’s self. And spirituality is
something that lays the path. The destination is not merely knowing one’s self
but it is reaching one’s self. There are many ways that help us discovering the
self and attaining the state of Moksha (the Destination). They are called
‘Yogas’. That is why in GITA we find different chapters with names like Karma
Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Bhakthi Yoga etc., Understanding different yogas is not that
easy. One needs to devote a lot of mind and time to apply the knowledge of
Yogas and reach the ultimate state of Moksha. One needs to know that all the
Yogas are intertwined with each other so that following one, will include
others without one’s notice.
GITA is considered the
easiest means for man to reach the eternal philosophy of Atman in which every
Sloka is put in a very easy language and with good examples.
Study GITA – Study Everything
Respects to Sri vidya prakasananda
giri swami for his Gita Makarandham.