The word “I” dangles with every perception
that is exuded or thwarted purposefully by one…last night a sporadically blinking
star in the firmament kept hovering directly above my belly and she became conspicuous..I
pretended apathy but tried having a
vantage point that can show me her thoughts ..I saw that she is whimpering and
sharing her thoughts with her conscience…
I made this all.. I always thought to have my light for my own delight and I always
wanted to have a whale of time frolicking in my own brightness…that is the reason
the lord cursed me with less importance and my sister Ms Moon has earned the tiara of night princess
since she always has an altruistic heart and she is never foolish being selfish…”
This resembles a bed time story my grand ma
used to tell me when I was a child. But
it also resembles many souls ruing their deeds of selfishness…
It is always something that is laughed at “ our very love towards our very own self ”..we
don’t even let our mirror image to get tainted in our lifetime…Being selfish is
a merely a notion of getting complete
benefit of something so that no other can have the benefit out it…But the
pristine “new “definition of
selfishness asks you to be so prudent that any act you perform or conform to (you feel
so) should have first intention to victimize others and in turn you are
benefited….A rational thought will make me look like a prank when I could not
throw a rejoinder if you pose me “ how
can one not think about one’s own self ?? “. Ya , it is really an obligation of
every divine element on this earth to take care of itself..but that care should
not turn into ego leading to the tampering of some other’s duty to take care for him/herself…
“first self, next rest “ is an aphorism of
the world which says “ the word self
is not disjoint of the world around you and the word rest is not disjoint of the world within you….”